Thursday, March 02, 2006

Winter Blahs

The dry, cold expanse of winter seems as endless as the steel grey sky above our heads some days. In between the 17 sunny days Michigan gets each winter we must do something to relieve our existence in this frigid desert: Get pampered in a Spa!

Unfortunately it will be the last personal expense of the season for you. So I offer you an alternative: Pamper yourself at home!
(Note to all my male readers: While you will probably not wish to try these recipes yourself, your wives, sisters, girlfriends, and mothers will love them. I promise. Pass them along. You’ll get points.)

Lavender Body Oil
This first Pamper recipe is simple and luxurious, one of my personal favorites. Your skin will feel incredibly silky all day long.

Base Oil: I like to use Grapeseed oil which is very light, hardly has any odor, and can be used on all skin types. You can find base oils at any health store. I like Health Hut.

Lavender Essential Oil: Essential oils are also found in health stores. You can substitute any essential oil that you like, and even blend your oils.

While Lavender essential oil can be added to your base oil in any amount, many essential oils follow a dilution rate: 7-8 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base/carrier oil.

Mayonnaise Hair Pack
Sounds weird, but when you consider that mayonnaise has eggs and vinegar in it you’ll understand. This is a recipe for homemade mayo. It is great for hair and skin. It does, however, smell!

1 ¼ Cups vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
1 egg
½ Cup apple cider vinegar

In a blender, mix ¼ cup of oil, salt and egg. While the blender is on, slowly, in a thin stream, pour in another ¼ cup of oil. Next, with the blender still going, slowly pour in half of the vinegar. Pour in another ¼ cup of oil, followed by the rest of the vinegar. Continue blending. Slowly add the rest of the oil. You should have thick, white mayonnaise.

Store in a jar in the refrigerator.

(Mayo recipe taken from Natural Beauty at Home by Janice Cox)

I hope you have fun with these, and feel great too. If you want more recipes try visiting the Spa At Home link in the links list.


. said...

i also just finished midterms weeks (because one kept getting postponed!) so i'm just so glad!!! it was an intense three weeks of studying for me but i'm glad it's over. now, like you, i can...exhale. =)

mo said...

Oooh, I love homemade spa recipes! I'm so cheap.

dawn2454 said...

Sounds like some really great ideas for us all to pamper ourselves.