Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Food Freedom!

When I was a little girl, I would get so mad at my mom for calling me in for lunch when I had been happily playing outside. I saw lunch as an interruption to much more important things. I used to dream about making a food pill that I could just quickly eat and be immediately full and nourished. I still think this would be a great idea.

Can you imagine the time that would be saved if we never needed to eat? For one thing we wouldn’t have to waste all that time preparing food. Then, we wouldn’t have to sit down and eat, or multitask while we eat – such as drive, surf the web, or talk on the phone. Also, the arduous hassle of grocery shopping would be completely done away with. The overall advantages of this would be hours more of free time in our day!

Of course we would always have the option of eating if we wanted to. Let’s face it, some food is just good! There is also something to be said about sitting down with friends and family over good food. Food enhances those moments oddly enough.

My idea has been attempted by scientific people, but strangely it hasn’t gone over very well. People would just rather depend on scavenging around every few hours to stave off hunger pains than take a pill or a shot once or twice a day. However, we do see the effects of the scientific attempts in power bars, energy drinks, and even vitamins. The problem though is that with power bars you actually have to take the time to chew the whole thing up and they usually taste bad, energy drinks aren’t much better, and vitamins don’t make you feel full.

My hope is that in the near future I can be part of some human experiment with food pills to prove their success for humankind.


Colleen said...

Sorry Steph, I'm not much on the power bar stuff - to me it's sugar, fat, and a vitamin all in one. I'll just eat a vitamin and a candy bar, thank you. I like tasty food too much to not eat - besides, would all my teeth rot out from lack of use? Get all loose & wiggly and fall out? I WANT TO EAT! But if you want, you may eat a food pill. :D Love ya.

Stephenie said...

Well, i'm sitting here multt-tasking my breakfast and pc time wishing to high heaven i could pop that pill and be done with it. my muffin is dry and i deep trying to wash it down with my tea that's getting cold (probably b/c i'm typing this).

lunch will be a hastle too cause i'll be on campus and i'll have to stop whatever, walk a mile to wherever, order, and try to eat in peace. (i think i still have enough cash on me)

I swear i am gagging on this muffin.

Colleen said...

May your muffin shrink to a pill! Lunch too!

anna said...

Hahahahaha...You guys are so silly!
How about if chocolate made you loose weight? Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! I think I could live off of fruit, nuts, and chocolate.

Christopher said...

I like the logic in that. You're right, for a single person, why spend hours cooking and cleaning. But for a family, they would probably still enjoy cooking. What a fun idea. What do you think they will be able to with chocolate? I still need my sweets! But if they had a pill that could control the same part of the brain that is affected by the chemicals in chocolate, then we wouldn't need it. But then we would need the pill.....Ha, ha! Would there be a "light" chococale pill?

Also, checkout http://www.sometimes-you-feel-like-a-nut.blogsot.com, if you want to.

Stephenie said...

See this pill would actually offer us more choices. If we didn't want to take it one day and enjoy some meals fine. If you have a busy day and don't want to bother with food, or feeling hungry that's fine too.