Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instructions

Mrs. Dunwoody was a Southern woman who lived in the 1800’s. She lived through the Civil War and was respected by all who knew her for her hospitality and wisdom. Some of her advice seems outdated and even hilarious at times, while some (in my opinion) have stood the test of time. She gives great advice to ladies and gentlemen which, to a generation where lady-like charm and gentlemanly chivalrousness have seemed to fade, deserves our attention.


A lady will not dress in an odd way as to attract attention or remarks. (Odd dressing is rampant among the "ladies" of our generation. I try not to dress oddly.)

A lady in public walks wrapped in a mantle of proper reserve, so impenetrable that insult and coarse familiarity shrink from her. (I'm not sure this one is possible, but I'm going to try it whenever I'm out in public!)

A lady does not smoke, or bite her fingernails. (Yes!! I've got this one down!)

A lady is never late (lest it give her suitors time to count up her faults). (What faults?!)

A lady possesses a sense of humor and can easily laugh at herself, but never at others. (I am constantly laughing at myself. I probably wouldn't have to do this so much if I walked wrapped in a mantle of proper reserve.)


Is always considerate of the feelings of others no matter what the station of others may be. (This kind of man gains my respect)

Does not allude to conquests which he may (or may not) have made with the ladies. (Men must not have been that different back in the 1800's. Men who do this make me want to slap them in a very unlady-like fashion.)

No matter who he may be, or how high or low his position in life may be, never besmirches his wife’s name, for in so doing he besmirches still more his own, and proves that he is not, was not, and never will be a gentleman. (I really like the word besmirch!)

Does not walk around with his mouth hanging open, lest he be thought a fool. (This one is my favorite!)

To be born a gentleman is an accident. To die one is an achievement. (An aspiration for all the men I know!)

-Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping: Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice by Miriam Lukken


James w. Lanning said...

ah well that would make me the perfect gentleman i guess. props to mrs. dunwoody for recognizing that true gentlemen do indeed smoke from time to time.

Stephenie said...

Cigars, I'm guessing? A true gentleman also, as I understand it, never smokes in the presence of a lady.

mo said...

I like your site. Found it checking out "homekeeping" and I found you. I love Mrs. Dunwoody!