Monday, November 07, 2005

From my Heart

Well, it's been a little while since I've written from my heart. God has been teaching me so much lately. I have had exhilirating victories and crushing defeats just in the past two or three months it seems. I met a friend to study at Barnes and Noble just a couple of days ago. Of course we got more talking done than anything else! We were talking about a similar situation in our lives and I was reminded of a dream that I had that I believe God gave to me.

In my dream I was sitting on a beach. It was a small fishing beach with fishing boats and nets all around. Each boat was chained and padlocked to the shore. I was sitting on the beach with my head on my knees and I was praying. My mom came up to me in the dream and said, "When I want something unlocked, I ask your Dad to unlock it for me because he wants to do it for me."

I shared this with my friend, and as soon as I did I felt such a peace and presence of God. I really felt like he was reminding me of this. There are things that I want in my life and I want so much to make them happen, or control things, or fix things in order to make them happen that I absolutely frusterate and exhaust myself at times. God is wanting me to allow him to unlock those desires for me. He wants to do it for me. One of my favorite scripture verses (that I seem to forget all the time) says,

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philipians 4:6&7)

I will trust that He has good things for me. He can and He will do what He said He will do.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I've had a rough time today (read my post for today). Your post has touched my heart in a loving way in a spot that's sore. Thank you.