Sunday, November 27, 2005

Warning: Blonde On a Snowboard

We have been having some awesome snow! I am excited this year becuase I am picking up a new extreme sport: Snowboarding. Saturday was a great snowboarding day and my cousin and I decided to go to Canonsburg in GR. The roads were perfect for driving. There weren't that many people on the hills which I was relieved about since it was my first time and all. My cousin thought that we should start out on the bunny hill so that the really good boarders wouldn't get upset with us because we were falling down. Now I had been warned against the bunny hill by my friend James who is an expert on this matter. However, I did not heed his advice, at the coaxing of my cousin, and soon regretted it!

First, we walked up just halfway to try from there. It took me several minutes just to get my feet securely attached to my board. I then somehow managed to get to the bottom of this hill without too much mishap. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my feet out of my board and it took some wrestling to finally wrench them free. We tried from halfway again and then decided we were ready for the top. Now, the hardest thing about this hill is the rope you have to grab to be pulled to the top. I carefully approached this rope with James' warning ringing in my ears. I let it run through my mittens for a moment and then grabbed onto it. In a split second I was jerked from my feet and lying on my back to the delight of the crowd gathered around me. After two more failed attempts I decided that the rope was for sissys and I wanted to earn my ride and walk to the top!

I went from the top maybe twice. At one point I was balancing really good! Then I began rapidly picking up speed! I lost control, threw my arm out to catch myself, felt my elbow pop, flipped over a couple of times, smacked my head nice and hard, and then just laid there. It wasn't until my cousins voice reached an alarmed pitch that I stuck my arm up and waved to signal that I was ok. This was my signal that it was time for a break. We had been snowboarding for a little over an hour.

After a 20 min. break we move on to a larger hill which required a lift to reach the top. I was nervous about getting on this lift, but I really had nothing to fear. It was much easier than that ridiculous rope. I started down the top of the hill with fair confidence. The first drop was a little steep so I picked up a lot of speed rather quickly. I wiped out a short way down, but got myself back into an upright position and continued downhill. I fell maybe four or five times down this hill. I rode this hill five times. Once I felt I had a good ride. Twice I almost cried out of frusteration and maybe a little pain. Right before my last ride I knew that I needed to be done for the day. That fifth time was probably the worst. I was extremely tired and could barely get myself back into an upright position after falling. While I was on my knees begging the hill for mercy, my cousin passed over me in the lift yelling that she was going to go again and that I shouldn't give up. This inspired another girl on the lift ( whom we had sort of made friends with) to also shout down encouragement to me, which inspired another guy on the lift to also shout out his encouragement. With all that support I forced myself upright and made it down the rest of the hill. We were on this hill for probably about two or three hours.

On the way home we missed our exit and drove an hour out of our way. I had not eaten all day and was very hungry. When I got home I had some soup. Unfortunately all the physical exhertion and waiting so long to eat caused me to get sick. I felt awful. This morning I was incredibly sore. Every inch of my body hurt. I had to pick my head up with my hand to look at my alarm clock! I managed to drag myself out of bed to go lead worship with as much energy I could muster.

I hear we are to get more snow through this week. I'm sure I'll be recovered enough to hit some more hills by then! Bring it on!!!

More Pictures!! I added some more pictures to my picture blog. Click the My Pictures link at the top of my links list to the left.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

My Pictures!!!

Exhale now has a photo blog!

I have compiled some of my favorite photos into a separate blog for the viewing enjoyment of all my readers, vast as they are. I have created a link entitled My Pictures in my links list. You can't miss it. Its right on top and in bold letters! I will be adding more pictures very soon.

Please visit and enjoy some of my high-lighted memories and people!


Here I am with my favorite puppy Molly. She is my brother's dog, but I love her like my own. Isn't she adorable?! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 19, 2005

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Here I am at one of my favorite spots on earth! This picture was taken this summer at Pioneer park, my fourth annual camping adventure. The calming waters of Lake Michigan are gently lapping the shore behind me. This picture is courtesy of my new Epson printer/scanner/copier. Thank you Epson. Keep watching for more exciting pictures.

For all you Home Spa lovers, I created a link that gives spa recipees and also an exhaustive list of essential oils. Enjoy. Relax.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Prince Charming

All of a girl's life she is led to believe that one day Prince Charming is going to ride up to her "doorstep", sweep her off her feet, and carry her away to his castle in the clouds. This is sickening and disturbing to me because it is completely unlike real life.

As little girls we are fed romantic fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White. These stories ingrain into us at such an early age that all we must do is wait like a damsel in distress for our perfect, handsome, rich, and absolutely romantic "Prince" to rescue us from all of life's problems. The problem with this is that none of these stories go beyond the "sweeping off" of the feet. They discreetly neglect the reality: That behind the Prince's smile is a man. A real man with flaws and failures who will sometimes not be very caring and sensitive, who will not always be romantic like she wants, who will sometimes be blinded by his pride and selfishness. If the truth be told, these fairy tales that we have grown to love have been twisted by Hollywood and served on a silver plater. In the real Little Mermaid she doesn't get the prince and when she dives back into the water she melts into foamy froth! That's probably more realistic.

The other problem with these stories is that love is a feeling, an event. There are no questions asked, characters tested, or important relationship growth. It is simple and mindless. We are brought up to think that relationships should be like this, which leaves us in a very scary place. We place all the importance on the swept up feeling and The Wedding Day, and very little on life questions. What will "Prince Charming" be like on a bad day, or when you tick him off? Ah, but these questions are irrelevant right?! Life, real life, will continue after that Day.

The truth is that relationships are hard work. We will have to work to get to know him. He won't always notice us from way (way) across the room and push through the crowd to meet us.
We will have to be a real person with real thoughts rather than a pretty (brainless) face. When the Honeymoon is over we will have to be confident that we have prepared ourselves for a life together the best that we know how. We will need to actually KNOW who we married (and it probably won't be Prince Charming)!
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For all the women waiting for Prince Charming...GIVE UP. He isn't coming. Look for a real man, and work at a real relationship. It's time to wake up out of the daydream, and live in reality. It really will be sooo much better. I would take a real man with real flaws over a fantasy man who is perfect any day!

One more thing. Standing around won't get us anywhere. We need to work on ourselves. Be the right one, don't just look for the right one. Sometimes we are the problem not him.

Monday, November 07, 2005

From my Heart

Well, it's been a little while since I've written from my heart. God has been teaching me so much lately. I have had exhilirating victories and crushing defeats just in the past two or three months it seems. I met a friend to study at Barnes and Noble just a couple of days ago. Of course we got more talking done than anything else! We were talking about a similar situation in our lives and I was reminded of a dream that I had that I believe God gave to me.

In my dream I was sitting on a beach. It was a small fishing beach with fishing boats and nets all around. Each boat was chained and padlocked to the shore. I was sitting on the beach with my head on my knees and I was praying. My mom came up to me in the dream and said, "When I want something unlocked, I ask your Dad to unlock it for me because he wants to do it for me."

I shared this with my friend, and as soon as I did I felt such a peace and presence of God. I really felt like he was reminding me of this. There are things that I want in my life and I want so much to make them happen, or control things, or fix things in order to make them happen that I absolutely frusterate and exhaust myself at times. God is wanting me to allow him to unlock those desires for me. He wants to do it for me. One of my favorite scripture verses (that I seem to forget all the time) says,

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philipians 4:6&7)

I will trust that He has good things for me. He can and He will do what He said He will do.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Double Speak

For anyone who has ever had to write or read an academic paper you know that it can be an impenatrable fog. This particular genre of writing includes vauge and confusing language seemingly meant to clarify things for the reader, but rather makes things even more confusing. I am convinced that this is done to stupify the reader in dumbly agreeing with whatever the writer is saying. This can be used to one's advantage when writing bull crap for a grade. Whether you find yourself the writer, or the poor suffering reader, you will no doubt appreciate these interpretations of certain sample phrases often found in such academic writing.

Note: These sample phrases are taken from the website and are for entertainment purpose only. I will add this link to my links list for the wild and ceaseless entertainment of the bored and restless.

"It has long been known..." : I didn't look up the original reference.

"In my experience...": Once.

"In case after case...": Twice.

"In a series of cases...": Thrice.

"It is believed that...": I think.

"It is generally believed that...": A couple of others think so too.

"According to statistical analysis...": Rumor has it.

"A statistically-oriented projection of the significance of these findings...": A wild guess.

"Correct within an order of magnitude...": Wrong

"It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field..." I quit.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Lanthorn Interview

I went to an intercultural festival on campus where I met some wonderful Koreans who taught me how to play the rubber band game: A popular game in their country. I was interviewed by our school paper, The Lanthorn, after my tireless efforts to learn this game. Below is a link to read this article. Apart from spelling my name wrong, they did a pretty good job:)

Grand Valley Lanthorn -

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Mr.Goodbar and Salads

I had a King Sized Mr. Goodbar for the first time today!

I have only ever eaten the mini-sized ones in the variety packs. I usually search through the entire bag and find all the Mr. Goodbars and pick them out. I savor each little bite (and they are very little) and wish there were more.

Today, I had a salad for lunch. Yes, you read that right: a salad. I was such a good girl! I didn't stop at Burger King on my way back to GV from tutoring, and I didn't have the pizza that was offered at a stand next to the salads. I chose a salad!

Afterwards though, I had a terrible chocolate attack! That's when I went hunting and found the King Sized Mr. Goodbar.

I think that since I was so healthy with my salad, it probably cancelled out the King Size in the chocolate.

On the other hand maybe it is because I ate such a healthy salad that I had the chocolate attack?!