Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Last Frontier

We made it back from our week cruise in Alaska last Thursday! We had a fabulous time. I mostly spent time in the spa, in the hot tub and sauna, ate food, and looked for adventure on land. I also met a handsome, amazing man on board the ship whose identity must remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of his job! (How's that for a little mystery?!) Unclassified details of the cruise will now follow in the form of pictoral narration:

I am aboard the Carnival Spirit with a breathtaking view of Alaska behind me:

This is what our ship looked like in port:

Here we are striking it rich in Juneau. Panning for gold is painstaking and addictive (rollin', rollin' at the river!):

In port, the rugged Alaskan terrain brought out the raw adventurer in us:

Time on the ship was spent doing a variety of things like towel folding!! This is a dog:

Even a big ship like us had to be careful of Pirates!:

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