Saturday, November 04, 2006

Exhale News Update

The ground breaking case of Chris Knudson vs. The Exhale Blog resulted in a retraction of The Ice Cream Man post, which was first posted in July, earlier this week. The plaintiff, Knudson, complained that the material aforementioned was offensive and inaccurate. An ice cream man himself, Knudson pointed out that, “Not all ice cream men are bad people. Some are, but there are also some teachers who are not nice people either. Almost all of my customers trust me enough to send their kids out alone. I have a safe, fun, clean, reliable, and high-class business.” Mr. Knudson owns Shoreline Shivers, a company dedicated to restoring the nostalgic joy of ice cream to people everywhere. The author of Exhale extends her deepest apologies to Mr. Knudson and was in fact quoted to have said, “Point well taken.”

Countdown Begun
The countdown has officially begun toward the graduation of one of the most self-celebrated bloggers, and long-time college student, Stephenie Luce. With just under 200 days left, Stephenie seeks to enjoy what time she has left and retain what sanity remains. After making a career out of college she is finally ready to move on, although her future plans remain uncertain. Stephenie welcomes everyone and anyone to join in the countdown, which will run continuously at the bottom of the Exhale main page until April 28th: Graduation Day!!

Sigma Tau Delta
An initiation ceremony will take place on December 6, 2006 to welcome new members of the Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society at Grand Valley State University. We are proud to announce that our very own Steph will be amongst those initiated. As a lifetime member of this prestigious society, Steph hopes that she will finally be recognized as having achieved some academic success during the six years she has given to the pursuit of knowledge and career.

Self Smart: A New Approach to Education
Shocking interview with inmate reveals that reading books and college could, "...get you dead."
self smart


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm four to being self smarted also.
Oh man, I hope that guy was an act.

Keep the countdown going.

Colleen said...

Congrats on your upcoming English Honors Society membership - you earned it!

That guy's take on how brains function sure reflects his lack of learnin'. I'm with Daniel and hope it's an act.

I think your counter may be running fast. You wrote your post yesterday and said 200 days left but the counter now reads just under 174 days left.

Hey, did you get your hair done? It looked great today (but then as far as I can tell, you always look great). Did you figure out what the wok blocks are for?

Stephenie said...

actually, i said just under 200 days. the counter actually started at...i believe...179.

the blocks are for steaming, but i'm having difficulty envisioning it.

Colleen said...

Sorry on the countdown numbers Steph, my mistake.

Jeff said...

Yeah Steph,

The finish line is in sight!!!

About the ice cream man...I visited Chris'(ice cream guy) page last week from the link on your sight. Funny, because while riding through Ludington this weekend I saw an older ice cream truck similar to his, parked at a house on US 10. I wondered if it was his house.

Stephenie said...

no problem colleen, i just wasn't specific enough for your analytical brain! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing up the whole ice cream man image thing. I can sleep much better at night knowing that I'm not hated by all. ;)

I've always thunk of myself as a self smart guy. I didn't no there were others of us out their. I guess I learned meself reel good. I'm all edumacated, I don't need no more books neither.

Jeff, good eye but that wasn't my truck. It is the same model but it is in pretty rough shape. I actually looked at buying it when I was starting my business.

Jeff said...


I saw it wasn't nearly as nice as yours; I figured maybe you were getting ready to give it an overhaul to become truck 2 :)

Yeah...sorry about my ice cream guy comments too ;>)

In all honesty, the guys in my neighborhood don't look like you look and their trucks don't look like your truck either! Glad to see someone's getting the ice cream man image back where it belongs! I think your business is super-cool!

Stephenie said...

i totally agree about the improvement of the image thing jeff. if my ice cream man's truck looked like chris's and if he wore a cool bow tie like that, i probably wouldn't feel like hiding and i would probably even encourage my kids to run out to meet him.

one encouraging thing is that chris informed me there are ice cream man clubs out there promoting a positive ice cream man image!