Thursday, August 24, 2006


Living up to her reputation, Mom has once again taken an event, a story, and told her own version of it. I have, once again, fallen prey to this tendency of hers and in turn subjected you, my dear readers, to its fallacy. This gross misinterpretation of the facts surfaced in The Ice Cream Man post made several weeks ago. A reliable source has revealed that it was not acorns that were used by my brothers in an attempt to buy ice cream, but pine cones. May it stand corrected in the Exhale annals.

Before we build the gallows, let me say that my sympathies are with the trespasser, namely mom, in this case. My decision is greatly influenced by the fact that I have subconcsiously acquired this uncanny ability to manipulate events to my own view point. The first step toward recovery is to admit a discrepancy in oneself. We struggle onward toward perfection. I will no doubt pass on to my children the implicit flaws of my human nature. I pray that I will have mercy upon that day.


anna said...

I don't understand. What you're saying here is that they were pinecones and not acorns? You lied to us? You fabricated the truth? I,I,I don't know what to say. What else is only a shadow of reality? How can I trust anyone? I feel so alone and wounded. I just can't talk about this anymore.

Stephenie said...

okay lookit, up your dosage for the next couple of days and i'll try to get ahold of your psychologist to get you through this most recent crisis in your fragile emotional condition. in the meantime, let me remind you it was my mother who told me they were acorns and not pine cones. most of what i tell you is pretty much true.

Colleen said...

Sounds like nutty confusion. Oaks, pines. It happens to the best of us. :)

Jeff said...

Now I'm finding myself questioning alot of things around here unfortunately. Is your name really Steph & is Julie your mother or simply another imposter & a co-conspirator of yours?

Stephenie said...

exageration rule #19:

only exagerat about obscure events or details that cannot be easily checked or cross-referenced.

Stephenie said...

is that it's true nature then, misinterpretation?