Friday, July 21, 2006

Extreme Trading

Everybody is happy with a good trade. Kids trade things like lunches, collectors cards, and toys. Adults trade things like kids, services, stocks, and real estate.

This months issue of People magazine highlighted a young man who took trading stuff to the extreme. This man started his trading on the internet with one red paper clip, which he traded with a woman for her fish pen. Over the course of a year he traded for bigger and more valuable things. He is a fellow blogger and you can track his trade course at One Red Paper Clip. He ended up with his ideal trade: A house! He essentially got the house for the price red paper clip.

I have got to start thinking outside the box!


Colleen said...

Anyone want to trade? I have a rubber band! :)

dawn2454 said...

wow, that's quite the story! If only it would truly work for others....