Thursday, May 18, 2006

Random Question of the Day

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?


Jeff said...

The power to know the future. I could help people avoid mistakes catastrophies. Oh...and probably make a few bucks too. Legitimately, of course. :)

Colleen said...

I'd say the power to fly but I'd have to be like the human torch - it gets chilly up there! Or maybe the power to talk with the animals - nahhh. Maybe to breathe underwater - but it gets cold in the deep water too & the oceans have some pretty scary critters in them. Maybe the power to be content, then I wouldn't worry about anything. :)

James w. Lanning said...

i would be like buddy rich.

Stephenie said...

colleen, i think you have a phobia of being cold.

Stephenie said...

i think buddy rich was a musician of some sort. does anyone remember what kind? yeah, we americans treat musicians and actors like supers. who needs a "power" when you have talent!

Colleen said...

You may be right about the cold phobia Steph. Isn't the musician Buddy Holly? He's the only "Buddy" musician I know of.

Colleen said...

On second thought, I don't have a cold phobia - I just don't like being cold!!!!

James w. Lanning said...

buddy rich was a jazz drummer. one of the best ever.

Colleen said...

Thanks James, that clarifies things.