Monday, April 10, 2006


Thanks to Colleen I was able to triple what I had originally hoped to send to Voice of the Martyrs for Colombia! It is so great what we can do together as the body of Christ. I'm looking forward to the day when I find out what was/will be accomplished through our efforts. :) Thanks Colleen.

There are two more official weeks of the semester and then a week of finals. Projects and Papers are coming due (how are those illustrations coming for my book Anna?). I am so looking forward to the calm before the next stormy semester in the College of Education. I hope to read all sorts of mystery novels, watch good movies, take a self-defense class, cook for my family, spend time at the beach, hang out with friends, enjoy summer with my charges, and absolutely soak up the season.

Sounds pretty good doesn't it!


Jeff said...

Only 3 weeks left this semester? Cool - sounds like you're determined to get the MOST out of summer!

Stephenie said...

you had better believe it. semesters make one grateful for the little free time one has!

Colleen said...

You can say that again Steph!

Colleen said...

And your welcome on VOM, they do important work.

anna said...

I want to drop off the sketches I have finished. Will you be home tonight?

Stephenie said...

yes, i will be home tonight. after 6 is good. i can't wait to see them!

Jeff said...

Could you put the sketches on your page? I'd love to see them!

Stephenie said...

sure i can post a few of anna's sketches for my book!