Sunday, April 10, 2005

Chicago and Auburn Hills


I didn't update right away right after returnin from Chicago. I was a little overwhelmed. It went very well, and I know I was supposed to be there. Teen Mania (the group that I did the leadership training with) has a way of stripping you of your flesh, confronting you, and then holding you accountable. It's great. If our churches were like that, a lot more people would be free. Even before the seminar the Lord ws showing me things in my life that I needed to surrender. This weekend just took it to the next level! It made me take a serious look at some things. I have decided not to do a mission trip because I need to focus on dealing with these things. I always pile so much on my plate. It's time I stop and take care of me. I am also taking a semester off school. I can do so without falling behind, and need the break after burning myself out over the last three semesters. I am also taking a month off from the worship team. I hope to be able to take this month free from school and ministry to seek the Lord for breakthrough, direction, and answers to some things. I have two weeks left of this semester, then I can shut some things down.

Auburn Hills

I went with the youth group at Oakcrest to the Acquire the Fire convention in Auburn Hills MI. This is put on by Teen Mania as well ( ). I haven't been to a "youth" event in a long time. I could tell. It was an awesome weekend though. Ron was there and so was Joel, who I was an itern with. They were both speaking at the event. My friend Leslie was running her camera, and Abby was telling everybody what to do (,but it's her job). Did you know that if things continue on the spiritual path that we are on in the U.S. , by the time this generation reaches adult hood, we will be 4% christian. If we do not reach this generation and even the younger children, we will look like Europe: Hundreds of beautiful cathedrals - all empty. One of the most touching moments of the whole weekend was when Ron talked about families and forgiveness. He told about the abuse he received from his mom and how he testified against her after running away. He was glad to see her suffer, but it didn't take his pain away. He gave his heart to the Lord soon after and the Lord began to lead him to forgive her. It was hard at first, but he began to memorize scriptures on forgiveness and praying for her. One day while he was praying for her, he said, "I love her". He was shocked. He had never said that and meant it. He had made a choice to forgive her, and feelings followed. Over the years their relationship improved and she gave her heart to the Lord. When Ron gave the altar call for healing ad forgiveness, thousands of teenagers streamed from out of the stands. He led them in a prayer and then he was silent, and there was no music playing. Everything was silent, and then I began to hear weeping and crying from different parts of the stadium. Teens were crying from wounds in their families and finding healing. It was incredible.

I just found out that my cousin Lee has two types of cancer. His liver is also swollen and moved over. He is around 20 or 21 yrs (I can't remember). They are starting him right away on treatment. Please pray that God does a miracle. He hasn't given his life to the Lord.

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