Thursday, April 28, 2005

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Waiting to Exhale

I took my first exam on Tue. (Music). It was extremely easy. We just had to circle terms that we did not discuss during the semester and then listen to three pieces of music and write our thoughts about it. I have two more tests tomorrow. These will be harder ( English and Computers). I have been studying the past couple of days the best that I can. I have to babysit Fri. night for a family I haven't seen in awhile and then my responsibilities will be over and my sabatical will begin. I just want to exhale.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I Win!

When I got home from work today Barak had left me a message saying that he didn't realize that this next Sun. was the first of May so not to worry about doing the worship that evening, he will take care of it. Hurray, I win. Today was the last day of my Life's Journey class and I'm so glad. I couldn't stand that class. It was such a waste of my time. It's over now thankfully. I couldn't give my prof. a very good evaluation. I said that I would not recommend him because he got off track to much and would rather share his own thoughts about a topic than listen to students. I'm just glad it's finally over.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Well, I finished my last paper today, pretty much. Finals next week. I'll just have to study and show up. Today was my last Sunday leading worship before I take my month break, or so I thought. Barak told me I might have to lead next Sun. night because he will be gone. I wish I could just start my break! Maybe their's no such thing as a break. Maybe that's why people check themselves into mental hospitals: so they can finally have a break. But, Barak is desperate for a break too. Why does he have to take it during my break!!!? Well, give a little, take a little I guess. I shouldn't complain. After all, I'll have four Sundays to myself after that.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Last Day of Classes!!!

Hurray! Today was the last day of classes. I made it! Well, almost. I still have finals next week. I was in a whirlwind all day trying to get ready for my presentation in computers in ed. class. I finally went in and had Ricky help me get my video where it needed to be. We spent two hours on it. By the time we were done, I had to run home, run to Wesco for some apple pies for lunch ( the little 99 cent hostess ones. They're so good!) , and then head to class. Music class lasted for 1o minutes. I went to Kirkhof to work on my presentation some more. I worked feverishly until 5 min. before English class. Then I had to run from Kirkhof to Au Sable as fast as I could. We discussed some poems. Afterward, I went to the commons and got a pizza. I downed it in 15 min. and headed for computers class. Half the class was already there even though it was early. It was apparent it was presentation day.

I was the second to the last to give my presentation. I didn't get the email yesterday that everyone was to sign up for their turn on the class wiki site. So I had to go almost last. I had copied, well Ricky helped me copy, my video to a cd, so I announced to the class that they were now second graders and we were learning about adjectives and played the clip. Then we played a game with some images I had downloaded and added to the end. I showed the image and they told me adjectives. It was great! I was more worried about my technology than anything else. But, thank God, everything went well.

I have one more paper to write and three tests to study for and then....aahhhhhh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I Think I might make it!!!

Aaaahhhh! The last week of classes! I am always surprised that everything manages to get done. I finished a late paper that my prof. was so gracious as to let me turn in yesterday. Next Mon. I will turn in another paper as my final. End of Life's Journey.

No official class in Music today. I spent a couple of hours in the Lab today working on my composition. I got it all finished except I now have to write a page of explanation about it. I will have class this Thur. reveiwing for the final, and then next Tue. will be the Final. End of Music.

This Thursday is my last class for computers in ED. I will have to give my five min. presentation using technology. I am presenting on adjectives using a video I downloaded and put into my windows movie maker. I also need a backup in case my technology fails, and a written lesson plan. The final will be next Thur. End of computers.

I had English today. We have class Thur. and my final bb posting is Due. Next Thur. will be the final for this class. End of English

  • Tonight I will write the explanation page for my composition and post my last bb.
  • Tomorrow I will focus on my lesson plan. I will also drive to grand valley for a concert to get extra credit in my music class ( I need to bring that grade up a little). And I will go to work of course.
  • Thursday I will finish my lesson plan and go to my three Thur. classes.
  • This weekend I will finish my last paper due for Life's Journey.
  • Next week I will strategically cram for all my finals.
  • Then I am free!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

One of My Concerns

I am concerned about the influence of witchcraft on children. Most people are not even aware of its influence. Many loving, well-meaning parents would rather close their eyes to it than deal with it. Ignorance will not sheild us, but only act as a gateway for our destruction. I have seen things in cartoons and books that, when compared to what I know about witchcraft, scares me. In particular, a children's book about two witches with the Wiccan Rule of Three which says: whatever you do will come back to you three times as powerful (they apply this to spell casting). I would not have recognized it had I not known about it. We must gaurd against these influences because it is a doorway that the enemy can use to destoy us and our children. These things entice our imaginative children and lead them to places we would never want them to go. I found a really good article, written by a Christian woman, that explains some of this. I would encourage everyone to read it. It will expose the subtle influence of satan on our children.
Heresy in the Hood II: Witchcraft among Children and Teens in America

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Chicago and Auburn Hills


I didn't update right away right after returnin from Chicago. I was a little overwhelmed. It went very well, and I know I was supposed to be there. Teen Mania (the group that I did the leadership training with) has a way of stripping you of your flesh, confronting you, and then holding you accountable. It's great. If our churches were like that, a lot more people would be free. Even before the seminar the Lord ws showing me things in my life that I needed to surrender. This weekend just took it to the next level! It made me take a serious look at some things. I have decided not to do a mission trip because I need to focus on dealing with these things. I always pile so much on my plate. It's time I stop and take care of me. I am also taking a semester off school. I can do so without falling behind, and need the break after burning myself out over the last three semesters. I am also taking a month off from the worship team. I hope to be able to take this month free from school and ministry to seek the Lord for breakthrough, direction, and answers to some things. I have two weeks left of this semester, then I can shut some things down.

Auburn Hills

I went with the youth group at Oakcrest to the Acquire the Fire convention in Auburn Hills MI. This is put on by Teen Mania as well ( ). I haven't been to a "youth" event in a long time. I could tell. It was an awesome weekend though. Ron was there and so was Joel, who I was an itern with. They were both speaking at the event. My friend Leslie was running her camera, and Abby was telling everybody what to do (,but it's her job). Did you know that if things continue on the spiritual path that we are on in the U.S. , by the time this generation reaches adult hood, we will be 4% christian. If we do not reach this generation and even the younger children, we will look like Europe: Hundreds of beautiful cathedrals - all empty. One of the most touching moments of the whole weekend was when Ron talked about families and forgiveness. He told about the abuse he received from his mom and how he testified against her after running away. He was glad to see her suffer, but it didn't take his pain away. He gave his heart to the Lord soon after and the Lord began to lead him to forgive her. It was hard at first, but he began to memorize scriptures on forgiveness and praying for her. One day while he was praying for her, he said, "I love her". He was shocked. He had never said that and meant it. He had made a choice to forgive her, and feelings followed. Over the years their relationship improved and she gave her heart to the Lord. When Ron gave the altar call for healing ad forgiveness, thousands of teenagers streamed from out of the stands. He led them in a prayer and then he was silent, and there was no music playing. Everything was silent, and then I began to hear weeping and crying from different parts of the stadium. Teens were crying from wounds in their families and finding healing. It was incredible.

I just found out that my cousin Lee has two types of cancer. His liver is also swollen and moved over. He is around 20 or 21 yrs (I can't remember). They are starting him right away on treatment. Please pray that God does a miracle. He hasn't given his life to the Lord.