Friday, February 04, 2005

It Feels Like Spring!

We are having a heat wave here in Michigan. Yes, it is 40 degrees. The sun has been shinning all day and I can see the blue sky. It has been wonderful! I took Mary to the State Park to the Block House. It was locked, but we found a grassy spot in the sunshine with a few trees and ate chocolate chip cookies. Then, we drove a ways down to the beach. We followed tracks in the sand, Mary made her own tracks, we collected cool rocks, and watched the waves break over the icy shore.

I have my work cut out for me this weekend. I have a critical paper to write, a ton of internet projects and a power point project for my computer class, and I need to study over my music: meter and beaming. Its very mathematical. I never liked math well. I did let myself get behind last weekend so I scrambled a bit this week on turning in assignments:( I always have such good intentions.

Do you like my Calvin and Hobbes? He is my favorite comic. And yes, thank you, I did learn how to post pictures. If you would like, you may comment under the picture on what "twisted forms" winter takes in your life. One of mine is static hair. I've been wearing it in a braid for the past three days because I'm just so sick of the static.

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