Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Getting Married!!!

I truly and honestly thought it would never happen!

My 20's have been about pursuing my dreams and I can't say I regret any of it. I travelled, got my Bachelors degree, began pursuing my career, lived and survived on my own, got to know myself and what I want in life (which is ever-changing), and shattered some of my mental confinements. I thought that it was very possible I may not be suited for marriage.

And then I met Mike.

He constantly amazes me! He lives life alongside of me; supporting me, encouraging me, laughing and goofing off with me, dreaming and planning with me, carrying the weight of my world on his shoulders.
I've never met anyone like him who makes me feel beautiful even though I'm not wearing any make-up, who has told me that my attitude and who I am on the inside is what makes me beautiful. I've never met anyone who is so patient and considerate of me, who listens to not only what my words say, but what my heart says.
I love it that he works out, is a good cook, has his own house, is a good provider, loves to camp, will listen to classical music one day and hard rock the next, has the perfect balance of goofiness and seriousness, is organized, is clean (for a guy!), loves his job, is good at building things, and can fix stuff.

I feel insanely lucky! I look forward to the adventure of our lives together!